IBS Game Changer

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Tips for Navigating the Grocery Store Low FODMAP Style

Figuring out how to navigate a low-FODMAP diet can be challenging on its own. When you add the task of navigating the grocery store to find low-FODMAP foods and ingredients for enjoyable family meals, it can feel overwhelming and discouraging even before you’ve set foot in the store! To simplify this process, I've created a step-by-step guide to assist you in getting through the grocery store and coming out with all the low-FODMAP foods and ingredients you need.

Low FODMAP Grocery Shopping Made Easy

  1. Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with the list of high and low FODMAP foods. You can use the Monash app or the Spoonful app for packaged foods, and you can use my food and shopping lists for easy/quick planning and buying.

  2. Plan Your Meals: Before you go shopping, plan your meals and make a shopping list based on my low FODMAP recipes and meal plans. This will help you stay focused and avoid purchasing non-compliant foods.

  3. Read Food Labels: When shopping, carefully read food labels for ingredients that are high in FODMAPs. Look out for ingredients like wheat, garlic, onion, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners. Avoid foods that contain these ingredients. Use the Spoonful app to scan barcodes and help you quickly assess FODMAP ingredients to watch for.

  4. Stick to Whole Foods: The safest way to ensure you're getting low FODMAP ingredients is to focus on whole, unprocessed foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, lactose-free dairy, rice, quinoa, and some gluten-free grains like oats are generally safe options.

  5. Check for Certified Low FODMAP Products: Some brands now offer certified low FODMAP products. Look for the "Certified Low FODMAP" logo on the packaging, as this indicates that the product has been tested and approved as suitable for a low FODMAP diet. Some examples include Smoke N Sanity seasonings, salsas, and sauces; Fody Foods products, Green Valley and Good lactose-free dairy products, and others.

  6. Avoid Onions and Garlic: Onions and garlic are common high FODMAP ingredients used in many processed foods and condiments. Instead, look for garlic-infused oils (the oil contains the flavor but not the FODMAPs) or use onion and garlic substitutes like garlic-infused oil or just the green parts of green onions, leeks, and spring onions.

  7. Shop the Perimeter: In many grocery stores, the outside aisles of the store are where you'll find fresh produce, meats, dairy, and other whole foods. These are generally safer choices for a low FODMAP diet than all the processed foods on the inside aisles.

  8. Beware of Hidden FODMAPs: Some foods that seem healthy may contain hidden FODMAPs. For example, certain fruits and vegetables in dried or canned forms, some gluten-free products, and certain sauces or marinades can contain high FODMAP ingredients.

  9. Experiment and Keep a Food Diary: Everyone's tolerance to FODMAPs is different. After shopping for low FODMAP ingredients, be prepared to experiment with portion sizes and combinations of foods to determine what works best for your individual needs. Keeping a food diary can be helpful for tracking your symptoms and identifying trigger foods. The shopping lists linked in this article are excerpted from the journal I provide my coaching clients to track not only food and drink, but also exercise, stress level, bowel movements, and more.

Remember that while a low FODMAP diet can be beneficial for managing IBS symptoms, there’s more to it than that. Working with a healthcare professional who specializes in gastrointestinal health can be a real game changer. That’s why I created my 8-week program to provide just the right amount of guidance, education, and support to go from unpredictable and uncomfortable to predictable, comfortable, and in the driver’s seat! Take a look at the program here and read some of the success stories from program graduates.

Link note: This post may contain affiliate links for you to easily purchase items that are linked. I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases but none of this costs you a thing so feel free to use the links! In addition, for some items, I have provided a special discount code for IBS Game Changers so be sure to use the code when you purchase an item to get the discount that has been arranged just for you.

More Deliciously Low FODMAP™ Tips and Tools

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