IBS Awareness Month Tip #4

Did you know 2 out of 3 people who have IBS are women? Don’t let IBS run your life. Be an IBS Game Changer.

Womens hands.jpg

Most of us who have IBS are women. And, most of us who have IBS experience significant, negative, daily impacts on our lives.

I spent years doing research and testing different solutions and I learned what works and what doesn’t work.

Now I spend hours every week creating and sharing new content, recipes, and special offerings just for you. And, every week I publish Feel Good Friday emails that highlight all the content I’ve pushed during the week so you don’t miss a thing. It’s all free and all developed with you in mind. My goal is to help you feel empowered, inspired, in control, and really great!

If you need more help or you’re at your wit’s end with your symptoms running your life, check out the IBS Game Changer program. It’s not just a game-changer, it’s a life-changer.

*As explained in program agreement


Magnificent Mac n’ Cheese (low FODMAP)


Macadamia nut chicken and coconut noodles (low FODMAP)