Eating out, eating on the go, grabbing takeout on a low FODMAP diet?

It’s not as hard as you think. You’ve been watching your FODMAP intake or you’ve been on the FODMAP elimination diet and things are going great, but then a friend or colleague invites you to dinner, and you panic. Taking care of your tummy and staying on a low FODMAP diet when eating out can be tricky, but it’s not impossible and it doesn’t mean you have to decline the invitation or miss the fun!

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With a little bit of preparation, you can eat out and stay on your low FODMAP protocol. Here’s what we recommend:

Number one: Use our Eating Out Guide and get the direction you need to navigate fine dining, fast food, and take out without sacrificing your tummy.

Number two: Call ahead, research menus, and ingredient lists online, and arm yourself with information to ensure there’s something on the menu you can enjoy without consequences.

Number three: Consider restaurants that cater to gluten-free and/or dairy-free diets, which may have more easily customized options on their menu.

Taking a little time to be prepared can reduce anxiety and stress (both of which can be IBS triggers for some people) and make eating out something to look forward to instead of something to dread.


Low FODMAP taco seasoning


Cranberry ginger Paloma or Cape Cod